Belgium is Design — Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair — 5-9/02/2019

Greenhouse section, Stand Belgium is Design C16:27

Belgium is Design, a project to promote Belgian talents at an international level, presents for the first time a collective booth of Belgian talents at the Stockholm furniture & light fair in the Greenhouse section.

The 11 designers and brands chosen for their suitability in a competitive market, both unique and sensitive, offer a variety of products and exceptional pieces: furniture, lights, textiles and wallpaper.

This selection gives the opportunity to discover new names launching their own label or be spotted by major international brands. The refreshing creativity of young designers guarantees great surprises.

They champion a sustainable process, whether this is an environmentally friendly approach in the choice of materials or the promotion of artisan work.

This allows us to naturally enhance Belgium’s excellent reputation as a country of design!

DIM Atelier
JAMES ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇
Jun Gobron
Nathalie Van der Massen ​
Nicolas Bovesse
Nik Aelbrecht
OGSB Studio ​
Pierre-Emmanuel Vandeputte ​
Tenue de Ville

Stockholm furniture & light fair Greenhouse section

Mässvägen 1 Älvsjö
125 80 Stockholm
Stand Belgium is Design – no C16:27

Opening Hours

5-9 February 2019
Tuesday to Friday 9AM-6PM ​
Saturday 10AM-5PM


For further information and to arrange interviews with the organizers and the designers, please contact:

Bie Luyssaert
Flanders DC ​ ​
+32 (0) 497 59 33 17
+32 (0) 2 227 60 62

Giorgia Morero
Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode (WBDM) ​
+32 (0) 473 54 29 86
+32 (0) 2 421 87 08

Eline Willaert
MAD – Brussels Fashion and Design Platform ​
+32 (0) 483 62 25 92
+32 (0) 2 880 85 64

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Over Flanders DC

Flanders DC is het Vlaamse design- en modecentrum en werkt aan sterk toekomstgericht ondernemerschap in de design- en modesector. 

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+32 3 746 09 46