Henry van de Velde Awards 16 - These are the winners!
The Henry van de Velde Awards 16 are distributed by Flanders DC on 19 January, 7.30 pm. The 12 winners embody the diversity of design.

The Henry van de Veld Awards rewards good design since 1994. The are an ode to the diversity, the necessity and the impact of design.
The jury noticed that design in 2016 clearly is extremely relevant and above all inspiring. Designers are more and more focussing on their social function. This way, they are often finding surpising and quite often simple solutions. This way, design can be that beautiful object that you cherish, but it can also be a solution for a small or big social problem in the climate area, mobility, health care, migration,...
It's was no easy task for the jury to chose the winners in the 12 categories, but they did it with grace.
During the ceremony, the Henry Le Boeuf hall was stacked with an attentive audience. The Henry van de Velde Awards are an initiative of Design Vlaanderen, now part of Flanders DC. OVAM and BOZAR are partners in the initiative.
These are the persons giving the awards:
Henny De Baets, administrator-general OVAM, Henry van de Velde OVAM Ecodesign PRO Award 16
Pascal Cools, director Flanders DC, Henry van de Velde Young Talent Award 16
Bernard De Potter, administrator-general Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen, Henry van de Velde Company Award
Philippe Muyters, Minister of the Flemish government, Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement Award.
Hors categorie, minister Sven Gatz is awarding the New Flemish Masters in the Fine Arts .
The award ceremony is followed by a free exhibition in the Foyers at BOZAR. The 25 nominaties and the 12 winners of the Henry van de Velde Awards 16 will be shown in the exhibition that runs until 19 March.
Click "Read more" for additional information on the winners, the Henry van de Velde Awards, information on Flanders DC, the OVAM and New Flemish Masters in the Fine Arts .
There are 12 prizes.
- The Special Awards go back to the start in 1994 and honor a young talent, a company and a designer.
- The Design Solution Awards are completely new. They show the solutions design can offer in 8 categories. Designers and companies could send in their projects, which they did with gusto. 206 applications were sent in, the professional jury reduced these to 25 nominations. 8 of them win an award.
- The last prize is decided by the audience. More than 7000 people voted online for the Henry van de Velde Public Award.
The overview
Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement Award 16: Kristel Van Ael & Joannes Vandermeulen - Namahn
Joannes founded Namahn in 1987 as a one-person consultancy in Brussels, helping companies to define, refine and improve their technology and software offerings towards end users. As the consultancy grew, Joannes was not content with only bringing innovation to clients and he started working on user experience. With Kristel’s arrival in 2007, Namahn gained its first outright ‘visual thinker’. She brought a new language and a new way of seeing. She provided a bridge to the design community and positioned Namahn towards that world at a time when designers were only just beginning to enter the digital arena.
Namahn has moved more and more towards designing solutions for complex and critical systems. Both Kristel and Joannes realized that their existing methodologies were unable to handle these new complexities. So they set about designing new ones. Their goal is to do significant things for people, to do more and on a bigger scale.
The jury:
Kristel Van Ael and Joannes Vandermeulen are the founding partners of the Namahn design agency, specialised in human-centered design and one of the world’s leading agencies when it comes to digital, user experience and service design.
Kristel Van Ael and Joannes Vandermeulen complement each other very well as a team; they are prolific and quite mature in their design practice. They receive frequent attention from the international design community. The jury is of the opinion that the agency has yet to reach its growth potential and envisages continued international expansion, a day at a time.
More information on Kristel Van Ael en Joannes Vandermeulen, Namahn
Henry van de Velde Company Award 16: Rotor Deconstruction
Rotor Deconstruction is an autonomous side-project of Rotor, a Brussels-based non-profit, created in 2005, engaged in promoting and facilitating the re-use of building components as a strategy on the path towards a more resource-efficient materials economy. Its main focus is the reclaiming of re-usable parts of postwar and modern architecture.
In 2012-2013, Rotor conducted a survey of all existing dealers in second hand building materials in Belgium. The results of that survey are public: opalis.be. Doing this study, Rotor realized that, despite an increasing professionalization of the sector, many vendors are still focusing on rustic materials destined for the domestic, (neo-)rural market. Few of them are geared to selling what comes out of large building compounds of the service sector, which make out the bulk of demolition debris in metropolitan areas such as the Brussels Region. Rotor Deconstruction grew out of the realization that certain dots here needed urgent connexion.
The jury:
Whereas initially Rotor Deconstruction was primarily conceived to identify waste streams from semi-industrial demolition projects, it went on to switch gears to include the collection and offering of these materials for a second life. By necessity, then, the organisation is made up of workers concerned with the practicalities, theoreticians concerned with the issue of sustainability and exhibition designers who know how to bring it all to life. What is most striking is the combination of employees representing a range of ideologies, and how their interaction and cross-pollination takes the company to a higher level. This innovative means of setting up an organisation really impressed the jury, who sees it as an exciting business model innovation.
More information on Rotor Deconstruction
Rotor Deconstruction also wins the Henry van de Velde OVAM Ecodesign PRO Award with the project for BNP Paribas Fortis.
Henry van de Velde Young Talent Award 16: Pieter-Jan Pieters - OWOW
Pieter-Jan Pieters (°1988) studied at the Design Academy Eindhoven. He graduated in Man & Mobility. After graduating, he launched his graduation work on Kickstarter, with amazing results. He founded OWOW (the Omnipresent World Of Wizkids). Some years later, OWOW is a team of some 10 persons.
OWOW is highly active in the music industry with a strong focus on music, design and technology. It develops its own range of musical instruments and does other music related initiatives or projects for brands they like.
The jury:
Pieters is light-hearted and inventive in his design approach: a quality which many clients really appreciate. Even his motto - not doing exactly what the client asks for - flies in the face of traditional design practice, and the jury commends this for its conspicuousness and daring.
His agency in Eindhoven, OWOW, got off to a particularly good start about four years ago; the Kickstarter project he launched to give his graduate project an extra boost in the market at that time has really been able to count on the attention of the 14-member jury.
But now Pieter-Jan Pieters is back on our radar, because OWOW employs a small staff of about ten and is already raking in national and international contracts. To keep this up, in-house skills are regularly developed and honed based on what the client needs, and the young agency keeps growing as a result. The jury sees Pieters as a promising young talent because he has managed to extend his initial success without sacrificing his particularly playful way of doing things.
More information on Pieter-Jan Pieters
Henry van de Velde OVAM Ecodesign PRO Award 16: Rotor Deconstruction
Dismantling the interior of the former headquarters of Generale Bank, now BNP Paribas Fortis, and reusing some of the fittings in new projects has been one of the biggest tasks Rotor Deconstruction - a spin-off of Rotor - has ever undertaken. In contrast to recycling, reusing items/materials means retaining as much of their practical and cultural value as possible. Rotor Deconstruction embodies a sustainable economic model which allows other players to get involved and which can also create jobs.
Design Rotor (Maarten Gielen, Tristan Boniver, Lionel Devlieger, Michaël Ghyoot, Benjamin Lasserre, Melanie Tamm, Renaud Haerlingen, Lionel Billiet and Sophie Seys), Client Rotor Deconstruction
OVAM Ecodesign PRO: a prize for designs or services which are created in accordance with the principles of eco design or have a positive effect on the environment. The prize is the successor of the OVAM Ecodesign Award PRO and is given by the OVAM.
More information on Rotor Deconstruction and their project BNP Paribas Fortis.
Henry van de Velde Better Health Award 16: INGA Wellbeing
Inga Wellbeing is a collection of practical, comfortable yet stylish and attractive clothing for hospital patients.
The collection includes smocks, pullovers, dresses, trousers and pyjamas all featuring discreet openings for drains or panels which can be removed easily for routine medical examinations to be performed or to administer treatment. The clothing enables patients to maintain complete dignity.
Design Fiona Mc Greal, Client INGA Wellbeing together with Gysemans Clothing Industry, Innovatie Centrum, Alsico NV, Philippe Buck, Solvay, Jacques Peeters, Jules Bordet Institute
Better Health: a prize for design solutions which aid general wellbeing or a healthy body and healthy mind for all.
More information on INGA Wellbeing
Henry van de Velde Collective Award 16: Marta
Local Antwerp market with direct link between producer and consumer. Inspired by the American farmers’ market model and the Spanish mercado, and with a solid belief in forging cooperation and a passion for investigating pertinent issues, ONDERGROND vzw is seeking out the new opportunities the city has to offer. Those behind the MARTA initiative want to raise awareness and inform people by fostering participation and cooperation between vendors and chefs to create new products and dishes, and by inspiring the public. In this way, MARTA wants not only to secure fair prices for farmers and makers by supporting a short supply chain, but also to focus on closing circles by adopting a ‘waste not, want not’ approach.
Design ONDERGROND vzw (Ellen Pil, Sophie van Haasen, Caroline Huyghe, Daphne Pascual) with the support of Provincie Antwerpen, Stadslab 2050 and Born in Antwerp
Collective: a prize for design solutions which contribute to the collaborative economy and aid a better deployment of knowledge and resources (cooperation, sharing, hire, etc.).
Henry van de Velde Communication Award 16: Disarming Design from Palestine (DDFP)
Inclusive designlabel with useful contemporary products from Palestine. Disarming Design from Palestine (DDfP) wants to spread alternative narratives about contemporary Palestine and reflect upon the function of creative practices in situations of conflict.DDfP develops, presents and sells useful contemporary design pieces from Palestine, designed by contemporary designers, artists and students in collaboration with local producers and artisans.
Design Annelys de Vet, together with Mohammad Saleh, Sami Khaldi, Ghadeer Dajani, Wisam Hourani and May Marei, Client Disarming Design from Palestine
Communication: a prize for design solutions which improve or increase the legibility and/or comprehensibility of a product, concept, service or project.
More information on Disarming Design from Palestine
Henry van de Velde Design Research Award 16: Aalst, stad met zicht op zorg!
The project was borne out of the desire by the town of Aalst to enable senior citizens to continue living in a home environment with which they are familiar. The central challenge was both to research the ideal location for a residential care home and to promote Aalst as a town which provides the very best care resources. To achieve this, two co-creation projects were launched based on a service-design approach. Some inspiring visions were expressed and the co-creation approach gave carers and other businesses in Aalst the opportunity to forge new partnerships and develop initiatives.
Design Studio Dott (Suzan Bijloo, Lisa Apers, Tine Peeters) together with AIPA & Pantopicon, Client Stad Aalst
Design Research: a design prize for results resting on good (conceptual, material and technical) research and experimentation.
More information on Aalst, stad met zicht op zorg!
Henry van de Velde Efficiency Award 16: Haspencubes
Brazier for fruit plantations. To raise the temperature on fruit plantations during the winter, tins of burning paraffin are used to prevent buds on fruit trees from freezing. Once the paraffin has burned out, the empty tins need to be collected. Bart Dooms from Haspenwood asked Frédéric Boonen to design a brazier that would combust completely but that was also efficient. Frédéric came up with the idea of the Haspencube using the raw material apple wood which is abundantly available in the region.
Design Boonen Design Studio (Frédéric Boonen), Client Haspenwood
Efficiency: a prize for design solutions which reduce the cost of a product or service without reducing its quality.
More information on Haspencubes
Henry van de Velde Feel Good Award 16: Memory Stone
Concrete urns and gravestones. “I do not know whether designing a headstone is enjoyable for a designer, but it is certainly fascinating, and when it leads to a rational solution, it is all the better,” Axel Enthoven says. “If you design in such a way that the final design turns out to be self-cleaning and maintenance friendly, if it is simple and easy to place, if it is solid and stable, if it looks simple and natural, and if it fits in all environments while still being timeless, then you have made a major step forward. From the emotional side, it must be a nod to those you have to leave behind. Simple and pure in form as a symbol of deserved rest: modest but present, iconic without conceit, inspired by nature and designed with respect.”
Design Axel Enthoven (Yellow Window), Client Memory Stone (Serax)
Feel Good: a prize for design solutions which affect or stimulate people’s emotions in a surprising way.
More information on Memory Stone
Henry van de Velde Life Quality Award 16: Maggie Shelter
Sustainable shelter. The Maggie Shelter is a temporary, fast-to-erect structure but one which offered all the benefits of a permanent building (robust, safe, insulated, sustainable, long lifespan, etc.). The structure has a double wall comprising aluminium and tarpaulin which can be filled in completely with whatever material is available locally, such as sand and insulation.
Design DMOA architecten bvba (Benjamin Denef, Matthias Mattelaer, Bart Peeters, Kjell Keymolen, Inge Stuyckens), Client Maggie together with KULeuven, Centexbel, Vermako, Vervaeke, Fedasil, Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen en Flanders Investment & Trade
Life Quality: a prize for design solutions in private or public spaces which lead to new and better living, learning, working or recreational environments and improve the quality of life.
More information on Maggie Shelter
Henry van de Velde Public Award 16: Stand-Up Nomad
The StandUp Nomad is a height-adjustable standing table which can be adjusted manually to ensure that every user is able to stand and work at it in the most ergonomic way, without having to bend over (i.e. with the table top at elbow height).
Design Henri Verheughe & Mathias Ellegiers, Client Jaswig bvba
Public Award: this award is not given by the jury, but by the public at large. The 25 nominations were presented online. All people interested could vote. More than 7.250 people did.
More information on StandUp Nomad
New Flemish Masters in the Fine Arts: Jo De Baerdemaeker
First honorary title ‘New Flemish Masters in the Fine Arts’ for typeface designer Jo De Baerdemaeker. Awarded by the Minister of Culture from Flanders Sven Gatz at the Henry van de Velde Awards in Bozar, January 19, 2017.
The honorary title ‘New Flemish Masters’ is the highest recognition for internationally renowned Masterly Craftsmanship from Flanders. The honorary titles are granted in 10 categories (fine arts, science, food, sports, ..) to he or she who has reached the status of true ‘Mastership’.
The first honorary title ‘New Flemish Masters’ in the category ‘Fine Arts’ goes to Dr Jo De Baerdemaeker, an independent typeface designer and post-doctoral researcher, born and living in Antwerp, Flanders.
But what about Design Vlaanderen? Didn't they use to give the Henry van de Velde Awards?
That's absolutely right. Last year, Pascal Cools announced at the award ceremony that Design Vlaanderen became part of Flanders DC in January 2016. A whole year has passed since then. From 19 January on, Flanders DC, Design Vlaanderen and Flanders Fashion Institute will operate under one name only, Flanders DC. Flanders DC will keep organising specific actions for the design sector, such as the Henry van de Velde Awards. The new logo's can be found with the images.
And what about theOVAM Ecodesign PRO Award? Wasn't that a seperate prize?
The OVAM Ecodesign PRO Award remains! From now on, it's called the Henry van de Velde Ecodesign PRO Award, a Henry van de Velde Award, given by the OVAM.
Exhibition Henry van de Velde Awards 16
Henry van de Velde Awards 16
20/01/2017 - 19/03/2017
The Foyers - BOZAR
Ravensteinstraat 23 rue Ravenstein
1000 Brussels
open Tuesday - Sunday 10 am - 6 pm. On Thursday until 9 pm.
free entry
The bilingual catalogue Henry van de Velde Awards 16 is for sale in the bookshop in BOZAR (price: 5 euros).
Your contact: Bie Luyssaert, +32 2 277 60 62 of +32 497 59 33 17, bie@flandersdc.be.
All images in this press release are downloadable. There is a larger image bank. Attached, you can also find the pdf of the catalogue with additional information.