#ikkoopbelgisch / #jachetebelge, design talent in a surprising circuit during Brussels Design September (6 - 30 September 2018)

Discover 16 designers, collectives and brands in the Quartier Dansaert during Brussels Design September.

I spend the day by myself, just walking. 

Walking around town looking in windows filled with pretty things. 
They call it window shopping.
I call it window dreaming. 

uit: Chasing Brooklyn, auteur: Lisa Schroeder

Belgium might be small in square metres, it is big in design. Not only do we have a great amount of designers and design brands, they produce fascinating furniture and interior decorations, as well as glasses, jewelry, tableware, carpets,... 16 designers, collectives and brands are more than ready to present their work at the #ikkoopbelgisch / #jachetebelge -circuit during Brussels Design September (6 - 30 September). 15 shops are clearing their windows to make room for them and let their goods have an interesting dialogue with the designer objects.

Participants and locations


Free guided tours

Flanders DC and MAD Brussels are organising two free guided tours through the circuit on 13 September. A qualified guide will provide background information to the designs and the stores. The tours will be in Dutch and French. The first tour starts at 6 pm, the second one at 7.30 pm. All the shops will be open until 10 pm that day and the designers will be present.
Starting point of the tours: in front of Stijl, rue Antoine Dansaertstraat 74, 1000 Brussels.

Design September

Because of Brussels Design September, there is only one design place to go to in September and that is Brussels. There are exhibitions, conferences, Commerce Design Brussels and the Brussels Design Market. The ideal locations for dialogue and encouters between designers, architects and design lovers.

Quartier Dansaert

The #ikkoopbelgisch / #jachetebelge -parcours offers you a free exhibitions in the Quartier Dansaert. This vivacious district is the living proof that Brussels is a creative, inspring place where the living is easy. The circuit is more than just a good way to discover new design talent, it shows you 15 shops and galeries that believe in Belgian design, entrepreneurship and authenticity. 


Ik Koop Belgisch / J'Achète Belge (I Buy Belgian)

Ik Koop Belgisch/J’Achète Belge wants to highlight Belgian labels. The consumer wants to buy locally, but is not always aware of the possibilities. This is even more the case for design as it is for fashion. Ik Koop Belgisch is an initiative by Flanders DC, CreamodaMAD Brussels and Wallonie-Bruxelles Design Mode (WBDM). The circuit is organised by Flanders DC and MAD Brussels because they want to show that there is Belgian design for all tastes and all profiles. 



The images attached to the press release are downloadable and in HiRes. Do you need additional images?
Contact Bie Luyssaert, bie.luyssaert@flandersdc.be or +32 2 227 60 62



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Flanders DC is the Flemish design and fashion center and works on strong and future-oriented entrepreneurship within design and fashion in Flanders.


Nationalestraat 28 - 2000 Antwerp - Belgium

+32 3 746 09 46

