Paul Boudens, Tomorrowland, Amandine David and Resortecs are the big winners of the Henry van de Velde Awards 23!

On Tuesday evening February 7th all winners of the Henry van de Velde Awards received their awards on stage in Bozar Brussels, Belgium. Besides the announcement of who won gold, silver and bronze within the 9 project categories, the winners of the 4 main prizes and the Public Award were also announced.


The Henry van de Velde Awards are often called the Oscars of design in Belgium. They are indeed the oldest (this year marks their 29th edition), best-known and most prestigious design awards in Belgium. Winning an award therefore opens many doors, in Belgium and internationally. ​

Each year the awards are organised by Flanders DC and the winners are selected by a carefully composed jury. In addition to chairman Chris Baelus, this year's jury included Herman Konings, Katrien Laporte, Max Borka, Elien Haentjens, Ronald Bastiaens and Siegrid Demyttenaere. ​

At the festive award ceremony of the Henry van de Velde Awards on 7 February 2023 in Bozar Brussels, it was announced who won the Gold, Silver and Bronze Award per category. The winners of the Lifetime Achievement, Young Talent, Company, Ecodesign by OVAM and Public Awards were also announced.

The 5 main winners of the Henry van de Velde Awards 23.

Lifetime Achievement, Young Talent, Company, Ecodesign by OVAM

1. Lifetime Achievement Award: Paul Boudens

Graphic designer Paul Boudens wins the main prize because of his signature style, his international appeal and influence on the graphic sector in Flanders and far beyond. Over the past 30 years Paul Boudens developed a strong, iconic style in which the handmade aspect often plays a major role. He is seen as a passionate and rebellious designer. A pioneer in the graphic industry, he has helped to shape and grow the identity of the Belgian fashion industry through his idiosyncratic designs.

Paul Boudens wins the Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement award ​ © Karel Duerinckx
Paul Boudens wins the Henry van de Velde Lifetime Achievement award ​ © Karel Duerinckx
'I want to make things that last for eternity. That goes against a lot of graphic design today, which is much more now, now, now. I want to make as much impact as possible with the modest material I possess.' — Paul Boudens

2. Young Talent Award: Amandine David

The jury presents the Young Talent Award to Amandine David, who in a short time specialised in traditional crafts such as weaving and pottery combined with digital production. Today she flawlessly links craftsmanship and innovation. In addition, the jury praises her professional approach and collaboration with other designers and makers. The jury hopes that this award, and the attached €10,000 cash prize, will also give her a boost on an international level.

Amandine David wins the Henry van de Velde Young Talent Award ©Karel Duerinckx
Amandine David wins the Henry van de Velde Young Talent Award ©Karel Duerinckx

3. Company Award: To­mor­row­land

This year's Company Award goes to Tomorrowland, the well-known company and festival that uses design in an exemplary way in all aspects of its organisation, and for every employee and visitor to the festival. Design is found here in many ramifications: from service design and experience design to product design and graphic design. Tomorrowland has an international appeal and year after year continues a vision that links design, innovation, experience, organisation and safety. In addition, Tomorrowland is also committed to further develop its policy on sustainability.

4. Ecodesign by OVAM Award: Resortecs

The jury presents the Ecodesign by OVAM Award to Resortecs, the company led by Cédric Vanhoeck that developed an innovative application for yarn reuse in the fashion sector. The company is considered a role model in applying the principles of ecodesign. Because Resortecs partners with international players, it is experiencing rapid evolution. In 2021 Resortecs was already named Changemaker of the Year at the Belgian Fashion Awards. The Henry van de Velde Awards jury believes in the company's impact and growth and hopes that their innovative developments will now find their way into the design world.

Resortecs wins the Henry van de Velde Ecodesign by OVAM Award © Karel Duerinckx
Resortecs wins the Henry van de Velde Ecodesign by OVAM Award © Karel Duerinckx

5. Public Award: Fontrescue

The public choose its favourite project for the Public Gold Award via an online vote. Fontrescue by Studio Brussels Lof convincingly received the most votes for rescuing old letters found on buildings and tombstones in public spaces. Using new techniques, letters once created by letter painters and stonemasons are measured, digitised and completed into a whole alphabet so that they can be reused.

The Gold, Silver & Bronze winners in the 9 project categories

Business Innovation, Consumer, Crafts, Design Research, Digital Product, Environment, Graphics, Habitat, Spaces

1. Business Innovation Awards

Gold goes to XEOS AURA 10, a device for medical visualisation of removed tissue during oncological surgery. A design by Pars Pro Toto for XEOS.

Silver is for Evolve 4EL23, a medium-speed multiple fuel engine that facilitates the transition from fossil fuel to zero-carbon fuel. A design by Pars Pro Toto for Anglo Belgian Corporation.

Bronze goes to Robovision AI platform, a device that allows multifunctional teams to create, deploy, update and maintain AI models without programming. A design by Loemer for Robovision.

2. Consumer Awards

Gold goes to MyBlanket by design agency My Add On, a rain cover that wheelchair users can attach over their legs without assistance or standing up.

Silver is for ​CoMoveIT Smart by Comate & Voyager for CoMoveIT, a smart control system for electric wheelchairs to help users who have difficulty using the classic joystick.

Bronze goes to °Plug by Frits Jeuris for Eden Design, a modular tubular light fitting that can be varied endlessly.

3. Crafts Awards

Whaleboat O28 wins the Gold Award. Whaleboat 028 is a rowing boat for five with the necessary facilities for ocean trips. Designer is Koen De Gezelle (in collaboration with Gijs Vanden Bogaerde, Cedrick Soete, Rik Deketelaere, Amy Beaulisch, Hannes Hebben, Vives, Howest, UGent and Artois Plastics).


Silver is for Glasstromen by KUYCKXMEERS, a series of vases born out of an investigation into uses of difficult-to-recycle glass. Designers Anouck Kuykx and Thomas Meers.

Bronze goes to The act of a line by Marijke De Cock, a collection of monumental wall sculptures composed of tiny glass beads.

4. Design Research Awards

Gold is for No Time To Waste by Isabeau Goddé. This is a study exploring the potential of lint, a waste-product of the textile industry.

Silver goes to Prosthetic X by Isaac Monté (& In 4Art), a study that makes health data insightful and drives behavioural change.

Bronze is for Rotmóy / Hongerhuids by design agency Studio Narture & Under Thy Skin, a research project in which food surpluses are converted into colourful pigments via fermentation.

5. Digital Product Awards

Virtual Museum of Flanders by Studio Dott for the Flemish government / Department of Culture, Youth and Media wins the Gold Award. It involves research and concept development for making Flemish heritage widely accessible.

Silver goes to Cocom by Bedja Design for client Cocom. It is a mobile application for flexibly renting and leasing of spaces for day use.

Bronze is for Last Metal Standing by agency Mutant & nøcomputer for StuBru, a virtual moshpit that brought the metal community together online at the time of isolation.

6. Environment Awards

Gold goes to Ledegem becomes Leaudegem! by HelloWater for the municipality of Ledegem, an innovative water treatment system as a sustainable alternative to sewage.

Silver is for Buddy by design agency IPEE, a smart toilet assistant that provides automatic flushing.

Bronze goes to K Bio by studio PART for ETAP, an emergency light based on biocircular material.

7. Graphics Awards

In addition to the Public Award, Fontrescue also wins the Graphics Gold Award. It concerns the conservation of letters from public spaces that are digitised and completed to form a complete alphabet. Design agency is Studio Brussels Lof from Meise, designer is Jo Klaps.

Silver is for Vel, a graphic novel about bodies and proximity, by Sabien Clement & Mieke Versyp in a layout by Quod for Form, for Uitgeverij Oogachtend.

Bronze goes to Passages, a graphic novel about time and making choices, by designer Martha Verschaffel in a layout by Stijn Dams for Bries vzw.

8. Habitat Awards

Gold goes to MiaCabana by design agency iDNA for Green Atrium: a modular expandable cabana, available as a shelter and pergola.

Silver is for Cango by Yellow Window for Hahbo, a mobile care home that relieves both the caregiver and the person in need of care.

Bronze goes to Stroom by Studio Dott, an aesthetic and ingeniously designed cable tray system that conceals technical pipes.

9. Spaces Awards

The sustainable interior renovation and improved travel experience of the Thalys Ruby by Yellow Window and Matali Crasset wins Gold.

Silver goes to Belevingsexpo Tabloo by Bailleul Design Bureau for NIRAS, an experiential exhibition on radioactivity and radioactive waste management, with young people as its main target audience.

Bronze is for Maakleerplek Leuven by Polo (architects), Vanhout.Pro (contractor) & Infrabo (IR techniques) for the City of Leuven, a temporary circular design of the Silos and Mills Van Orshoven in Leuven.

The publication and expo at Bozar ​

From February 8th 2023, the Henry van de Velde Awards expo will start in the Foyers of Bozar. The work of all the winners will be on display there, in a scenography by Isabelle Speybrouck. The exhibition runs until April 2nd 2023, is for free and accessible without reservation or ticket.

You can read more about the winners and winning projects in the official Henry van de Velde Awards 23 publication. Besides the overview of all winners, the publication also includes a roundtable discussion with the four main winners, interviews with Paul Boudens and Minister Jo Brouns, and a behind-the-scenes look at the winners' work.
The generously illustrated publication contains 160 pages, is bilingual (English/ Dutch) and designed by Geoffrey Brusatto. ​
The publication is available for €10 (including postage), and is also for sale at a number of bookshops such as the Bozar bookshop in Brussels.

The Henry van de Velde Expo in Bozar © Fille Roelants
The Henry van de Velde Expo in Bozar © Fille Roelants

About the Henry van de Velde Awards

The Henry van de Velde Awards are organised annually by Flanders DC and were made possible thanks to the support of Vlaams Agentschap voor Innovatie & Ondernemen (VLAIO), Bozar, Z33, Openbare Vlaamse Afvalstoffenmaatschappij (OVAM), Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij (VMM) and Bokrijk.

More info via ​


Stefan Ceunen

Stefan Ceunen

Lead PR & Communications Manager, Flanders DC














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Flanders DC is the Flemish design and fashion center and works on strong and future-oriented entrepreneurship within design and fashion in Flanders.


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